How to Save Energy and Beat the Heat

It’s hot and humid, and people who were just complaining about the winter chill are now sweating under the glare of the Michigan summer sun. During these months, we often see homeowners struggle under the burden of skyrocketing electric bills. Here are a few ways that your household can save energy and beat the heat this summer.
Enjoy Natural Light
Now that we have so many hours of daylight, be extra conscious about turning on lights. Open your blinds or curtains early in the morning to utilize morning sunlight. If you have children, you can make a game out of it - “Who can flip the fewest switches today?” In the evenings, position chairs near windows for reading or other activities.
Be Energy Efficient with LED Lights
LED lighting is a great idea any time of the year, but warm weather makes it especially easy to install. Consider switching the lights you use most - over the dining room or living room, perhaps - to LEDs. Remember, LED lights are approximately 90% more efficient than incandescent lighting. It’s worth the investment!
Use Cooler Areas of Your House
Air conditioning costs are not cheap, and on the hottest days your unit might struggle to keep up with high temps. Instead of blasting A/C, try sleeping in the basement of your home, where the air is naturally cool.
Shut Your Doors
Another way to help your A/C run efficiently is by shutting doors to bedrooms and other important rooms in your home. Cold air is trapped in the places it’s needed most, instead of traveling to stairways, high-ceiling living spaces, or any storage space.
Avoid Vampires
Use an advanced power strip (APS) to shut down “vampire loads,” which are electronics that consume energy even while switched off. Switch out old power strips for an advanced version, and make sure that electronics which you leave constantly plugged in (i.e. computer, TV, chargers, etc.) are using an APS.
Need help with your home’s electrical? Give us a call at 616-643-8287 to have Butler Electric service your home this summer.